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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) digging in the link between energy poverty and air pollution

Online event - EU Green Week 2021

Proper combustion of fuels is essential to minimise impacts on air quality and for efficient use of energy. In large parts of Europe, low-income households often suffer from a combination of poor domestic heating systems, insufficient insulation and limited financial resources to access sustainable energy services.

The online event “Tackling energy poverty and air pollution” focuses on the tight connections between air quality and energy poverty and the multiple wins that household energy renovations have for the vulnerable energy consumers. The event is organised by the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) as a partner event of the EU Green Week 2021.

Confirmed speakers:

Ina Karova, sustainable development expert at the Energy Agency of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Joćo Pedro Gouveia, Senior Researcher, PhD at CENSE, FCT-NOVA University of Lisbon.

Register for the event to join online on 3 June 2021 at 13:30 pm CEST.

EPAH is an EU initiative bringing together five partners and seven national organisations with the vision to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European regions, cities, towns and villages.

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  • energy poverty


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