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Start of SEPAs (Summer energy poverty agents) training course

On 8 March, the training course developed within the COOLtoRISE project will begin. The course will take place in Parma and it will see the participation of the Municipality of Parma and AISFOR (project partners), supported by ATES and ACER.

The aim of the course is to train the agents for the energy poverty (Summer Energy Poverty Agents - SEPAs).

The figure of SEPA is essential for the implementation of the activities, provided by the project, aimed at tenants who live in conditions of energy vulnerability. Among the activities foreseen by the project there are the installation of indoor and outdoor kits to control consumption and to improve the use of energy, the organization of workshops with the most vulnerable families on issues such as summer energy poverty and energy saving and care of the spaces outside the houses with the aim of cooling the internal areas.

The training course will be organized over two years: from March to May 2022 and from March to May 2023 with the aim of carrying out all the activities in the two summers (June 2022 and June 2023) where the problem of energy poverty is much more concrete.

The course is divided into 6 modules: 3 will be online and 3 face-to-face - the blended training aims to strengthen the exchange of good practices and the sharing of ideas.

During the first year, on the territory of Parma, about 30 Agents will be trained and they will be coordinated and supported, mainly for the monitoring activities, by 2 coordinators.

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