REJEnerAXion: The Energy Transition and the Role of Industrial Relations

The energy transition is crucial for achieving the goal of making Europe climate neutral by 2050. This significant change not only offers new economic opportunities through the creation of jobs in the green sector but also entails substantial adaptations and transformations. Inevitably, this will lead to job losses, both direct and indirect, in sectors related to fossil fuel energy production, with significant regional impacts, especially in areas heavily dependent on coal and other fossil fuels.
REJEnerAXion focuses on studying the transformations in the energy sector towards clean and sustainable energy, analyzing their impacts on working conditions, employment structure, and socio-environmental levels. Through the exchange of experiences and best practices in industrial relations, the project aims to enhance the competencies of the involved social partners, identifying convergences and divergences among key European member states. Practical recommendations will emerge from these analyses to address the challenges of the energy transition, strengthening the role of industrial relations in promoting a fair energy transition process at both national and European levels.
To further disseminate the project's information, video interviews have been published on the official REJEnerAXion YouTube channel. In these interviews, the project partners explain the results of their research and present the related working papers, which are also published on the project's official website.
This approach aims to raise awareness and inform a broader audience, ensuring that crucial information regarding the energy transition and the role of industrial relations is easily accessible and understood by all stakeholders involved.