TIGER Project fits into the context of European energy and social policies (Green Deal and Renovation Wave). The construction sector is one of the largest energy consumers in Europe, responsible for nearly 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. Moreover, social houses, specific object of the project, are in a particularly critical state due to the lack of sufficient funding to carry out a complete and structured renovation plan of the buildings and a long-term energy strategy.

The project focuses on the lack of funding and aims to reduce energy poverty, a growing issue in Europe, further accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is estimated that today at least 50 million European citizens, have difficulty in paying their energy bills and give up the use of heating systems for economic reasons.

TIGER intends to carry out energy requalification interventions in 126 buildings of the Abruzzo Social Housing  heritage located in 58 Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region. The project foresees a total investment of over 16 million euros (initial value, which can be increased by means of a multiplier mechanism of resources) gathered also through the experimentation of innovative financing models integrating resources and incentives at regional and national level (tax deductions, incentives, ERDF, subsidized loans, thermal account, etc.) together with energy performance contracts (EPC).

The interventions will lead to an estimated energy savings of over 30% and an expected reduction in CO2 emissions of over 1760 tCO2 / year, thus contributing to the decarbonisation of the building stock.


TIGER aims to improve the energy efficiency of the public housing stock. More in detail, the project foresees:

-the energy requalification of over 1,500 public housing units in 126 buildings in 58 Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region

-the reduction of over 30% of energy consumption and of 1760 tCO2 / year of emissions

- the implementation of action to tackle energy poverty.



-The range of energy requalification interventions includes:

-The energy requalification of the ATER, with actions  aimed at ensuring the thermal insulation of opaque structures, the replacement of air conditioning systems and the replacement of windows including fixtures.

-The development of a complex investment program which, through one or more European tenders launched by the Abruzzo Region and divided into 5 territorial lots, will make it possible to select 5 ESCo - Energy Service Company - which will carry out the interventions in the buildings selected.

-The creation, by the Abruzzo Region, of a working group that will include the technical, financial, legal and communication skills necessary to manage all the phases of the project.

-The setup of support helpdesks for tenants and the creation of training and communication programs;

-The introduction of a new energy performance contract for tenants and a lease agreement that will take into account the interventions carried out and the consequent decrease in energy costs.

-Finally, a "TIGER model" will be created for the implementation of investments in residential construction that can be replicated nationally.


-Abruzzo Region

-Social Houses di Pescara, L’Aquila, Teramo, Chieti e Lanciano,

-AGENA Srl (- Agency for Energy and the Environment of Teramo Province),

-AESS (– Agenzia per l’energia e lo sviluppo sostenibile di Modena),



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101018403.


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